The National Association of Home Builders
The National Association of Home Builders

The National Association of Home Builders

Representing over 140,000 members, the NAHB utilized Marq to provide both the customization and brand consistency they desperately needed at such a mass level.

Industry: Association
Location: Washington D.C.

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A federation of state and local associations, NAHB represents more than 140,000 members who construct about 80% of new homes built in the United States.

Features they love

Advanced template locking

Official newsletter templates that can be customized without sacrificing brand consistency.

Seamless collaboration

The ability to work seamlessly with local association partners, getting more done in less time.



Many of NAHB's local associations across the country send a monthly newsletter showcasing their products and services. But many associations lacked sufficient staff to produce one on a monthly schedule. Among those that did deliver a regular newsletter, there was significant variation in quality, and often little in terms of branding to communicate that members of a given local association were also members of a larger national association.



When NAHB discovered Marq, they were relieved to find that it could give them both the customization and the brand consistency they needed. The template locking feature ensured that NAHB's professional designers could create newsletter layouts, lock down important elements (such as logos, fonts, and even entire articles) to make sure those elements stayed in place, then turn these layouts into templates to be used by local associations for their newsletters each month.

The result? All NAHB members could finally enjoy a seamless brand experience regardless of the size or resources of their association.



Consistent branding

Each newsletter strengthens the NAHB brand with professional design and personalized content, proving to NAHB members that they're part of a top-notch organization.

Added customer value

The ease of creating and distributing newsletters has allowed for crucial messages to easily reach the eyes of NAHB members, so every member is always in the loop on the most significant developments across the country and in their own hometown.

Boosted productivity

Local associations don’t have to strain themselves with design work they aren’t equipped for, and designers at headquarters don’t have to worry about making mundane layout changes for each local affiliate.

Start building on-brand

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